Engaging with Our Readers: Survey Findings

Two weeks ago we included a survey within TechNotes asking our readers to take a few moments to give us feedback on the Instron Community Blog. We received a great response and various comments on what you would like to read about. Everyone who responded will soon receive an Instron Community blog t-shirt!

Did you miss the chance to send in feedback? There is still time to respond for your free t-shirt.

Within this article, we also included a chance for one lucky blog follower to win a new iPod Touch .... Congratulations to Colleen Arendt - your new iPod Touch is on its way to you!

When asked which categories were of the most interest, below is what we saw the trend to be.


In addition to the categories listed above, I asked for specific feedback on what each reader would like to read about. Thank you for your great responses - your feedback was very generous and I'll work on incorporating all of your ideas into the Instron Community Blog.

Readers Choice: Top 10 List

  1. Grips & gripping techniques
  2. Alignment
  3. More tips on tensile & compression testing
  4. Plastics Testing
  5. Customer FAQs and Instron solutions
  6. Software
  7. New test methods, equipment, & technology
  8. Upcoming training
  9. Calibration
  10. Tips for various targeted industries

For anyone interested in hearing more hardness testing technical tips / information, you can view that information on our Hardness Testing Connection blog.

Originally posted on February 21, 2012 , Updated On June 20, 2024