Bluehill® Impact for Pendulum is the latest generation of Instron’s Bluehill software. We’ve researched, examined, and listened to our customers’ needs and created a software to meet and exceed them. It all starts with a revolutionized dashboard on a touch-screen interface.
The user-friendly logic inherent in Bluehill Impact for Pendulum has certainly made a revolutionary transformation, simplifying and optimizing the organization and execution of testing methods. The interface's visual and functional aspects have also undergone significant improvements, now presenting a more customer-support-oriented message display. This makes it much easier to use and navigate, ultimately improving the overall user experience.
Default MethodsHaving preconfigured methods available for selection makes testing easier and more convenient. The fact that all settings have been predetermined means that the test process is simple and seamless, which saves time, reduces the risk of errors and boosts efficiency and accuracy
Full CustomizationAll users can also enjoy option to open default methods and adjust all their parameters according to their preferences. It gives users more control over the testing process and allows fine-tuning the parameters to suit your specific needs. Plus, creating a test from the ground up and customizing the parameters provides the ultimate flexibility and ensures that you can tailor the test to your specific requirements.
Graphic InterfaceBluehill Impact for Pendulum offers a revamped GUI with a simpler, more readable design and an enhanced user experience. With easily accessible preset methods, customizable parameters, and the option to create tests from scratch, you have the ultimate flexibility and control over the testing process. The improved GUI makes it easier for users to navigate the entire software and perform testing tasks efficiently.
Customer-Centric LanguageThe software's reimagined language is a game-changer, making the machine more accessible and immediately usable. The enhanced user experience is perfect for non-expert users, making it easier to interact with the machine and carry out tasks with greater ease and efficiency.